EQUII is re-balancing bread into a protein packed nutritious food that tastes delicious and is good for us as well as the planet. Baked from our award-winning flour, EQUII breads deliver 2x more protein than regular breads, 3-4g of fiber and 40% less carbs per slice. Our protein is made using fermentation and is a complete protein with all 9 essential amino acids to help fuel us up with energy while keeping us fuller longer. Our products are plant-based, non-GMO and contain 70% less sugar too. Available at amazon.com, equii.com or in select grocery stores nationwide.
Product Categories
- Food & Beverage
- Pasta Sauce & Noodles
- Dry Pasta & Noodles
- Bakery
- Bread
- Prepared Foods
- Instant Meals & Entrées
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