Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Over 50: Why You Should Know Her
The conversation between Television Host Carla Hall and Caire Beauty Founder Lorrie King highlights unique issues and opportunities for women over 50. In midlife themselves, Carla & Lorrie share how constructive portrayal of women in media and in consumer products is critical to women 50+ being seen as vibrant vs. invisible. Caire Beauty, Skincare for Grownups (orOwn Your Age Skincare), is a prime example of how two midlife women, with a wealth of big company business experience, seized an opportunity to reinvent themselves and the entire anti-aging category, by creating a patented, Oprah Award-winning purpose-driven pro-aging brand.
They’ll share how Age 50 is an inflection point and how society & the economy can better serve and be served by women 50+, a fast-growing cohort of wealthy, wise and desiring to stay healthy women. See why 50+ female entrepreneurship is one of the most powerful new business drivers in the U.S. and how Caire Beauty is part of this sea change. Carla Hall will share her personal experience with Caire Beauty and how her real-life experience played a key role in Caire’s understanding of how female health in midlife has been underserved, resulting in Caire’s revolutionary ‘bioavailable’ approach to female skin.